Professional IoT Applications Development training utilizing IoT Educational and Innovation Labs
Bassem Boshra
Tutorial Level: Advanced
Tutorial abstract:
This is a tutorial session on building professional IoT Applications Development training programs utilizing IoT Educational and Innovation Labs. This is an excellent information sharing tutorial utilizing our long experience and successful program for building Egypt IoT Labs and various IoT training curriculums.
In this session, audience will learn what should be in an IoT Lab to provide professional training programs for IoT Application Developers, IoT System Integration Engineers and IoT Solution Architects as well as providing a quick executive management live training with live demos and live use cases for smart cities.
in this tutorial we will explain and detail all IoT Value Chain components that should be available inside a professional IoT Educational and Innovation Lab including IoT Innovation Kits, Commercial IoT Devices,
IoT Gateways for various wireless technologies (including SigFox, LoRaWan, BLE, WiFi, etc.) as well as IoT Application Enablement Platform that represents the most important component for application developers and system integrators and we will explain how those components are all gathered together in an educational environment for learning as well as a commercial live environment for live demonstration.
A professional IoT Educational and Innovation Lab enables both of the training service provider organization and educational organization (Hi Tech institutions or universities) to offer list of IoT Professional training curriculum courses including
Hands-on IoT applications development offered through Expert IoT lab.
– IoT Value chain (devices, LPWAN wireless technologies, gateways, carrier networks, application enablement platforms, analytics platforms, device management platforms)
– IoT Applications Development utilizing MasterOfThings IoT AEP (MQTT protocol understanding, device authentication, application development practices, access rights management, data visualization, etc.)
– IoT Lab hands-on devices (practice the use and configuration of various IoT devices and innovation kits, configuring the IoT Gateways, complement end to end solution)
Developing applications for Autonomous/self-driving cars offered through Advanced IoT lab
– Self driving cars applications development (remotely monitoring and controlling the cars)
– Advanced IoT Applications development utilizing MasterOfThings IoT AEP (customizing your backend events on the cloud)
IoT Device prototyping and development (for computer engineering only).
– Introduction to embedded systems
– IoT Prototyping and development boards
– Developing IoT device prototype
Tutorial outline:
- Introduction
- What is an IoT Lab? Which organizations should have an IoT?
- What are the IoT application categories and IoT use cases covered by an IoT Lab?
- Levels of IoT Labs
- Components of an IoT Lab
- Curriculum, Courses and learning topics enabled by an IoT Lab
- Reference implementation of an IoT lab