Federated Africa and Middle East Conference on Software Engineering 7-8 June, 2022 Egypt-Uganda

Applying Agile for AI Projects

08 Jun 2022
16:30 - 18:30

Applying Agile for AI Projects

Ahmed Ameen

Tutorial Level: Intermediate

Tutorial abstract:

Applying Agile is AI projects is quit challenging, as the idea of “early and continuous delivery of valuable software” is challenging itself.

Can we redefine valuable output that can be incrementally developed?

How can we “slice” AI requirements?

How can we estimate AI projects?

Through our work in consultation we had worked with some AI and Data Engineering teams to develop an Agile solution for these challenges.

In this tutorial we will propose a model for Agile process to handle AI Requirements, estimation, and planning.

Tutorial outline:

  • Why applying Agile in AI?
  • Challenges
  • Agile Planning for AI
  • Requirements slicing in AI
  • AI requirements estimation